Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Round-about or "Cross" Roads?

Round-abouts or rotaries, or traffic rounds, as they are popularly known, are supposed to regulate traffic all by themselves, but for errant humans.

Above: How motor-bikes and many vehicles negotiate round-abouts !!!
(background picture courtesy: google earth)

Had a lucky escape from an almost certain collision today morning. Wonder how people have learnt to use round-abouts. I was on the left-most edge of the road, entering the round about at the T-Junction, Manacaud. The junction was clear, there was no vehicle in sight. Thank God, felt something was dashing in to my field of view from my right. It was not even a fraction of a second that I realised a motor bike has crossed right across my path and out of reflex, some how I screeched a few feet to a halt. The bike fellow, took a sudden right turn and continued moving in front, as though he has not even felt my presence there. Seemingly another techie on the way to get to his firm before punching machine says no...the back pack on him read "Fast track"!!! A few months back i had faced a similar incident, when two motor bikes came from the wrong side of the round about (anti-clockwise), and again crossed my path: no braking that time, no collision either. It seems like now we have to teach people on how to negotiate typical intersections on road network. I and he had a narrow escape today , but it may not always be the case.

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